AIMS is a 501 c (3) not-for-profit Main Street Organization. The AIMS Board of Directors is made up of a cross section of Anderson residents, passionate about downtown Anderson, Indiana. Our mission: AIMS supports and sustains downtown culture; connecting people to the heart of our community. Our vision: AIMS provides Anderson residents a vibrant destination to enjoy their lives.
Our passion is downtown Anderson, Indiana.
Meet the Board
President: Darla Sallee
Darla is native to Anderson, Indiana. She is a Anderson University graduate with a BSW in Social Work and attended Anderson School of Theology. Darla has worked in the social work and ministry field in Anderson for years. She has spent the past 5 years working for the City of Anderson as the Webmaster and Director of AndersonTV. Anderson holds a special place in Darla's heart, as she's never met a more resilient, supportive and entrepreneurial people.
Vice President: Chelsie Jaramillo
Chelsie Jaramillo is a life long resident of Anderson, IN. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Education and a Master’s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration. Currently, Chelsie works as the Community Wellness Coordinator for the Madison County Purdue Extension Office. Working to increase physical activity and nutrition access for limited resource/access communities and populations through policy, systems, and environmental changes. She is driven to help local communities improve quality of life and positively thrive for the future. Chelsie enjoys being outside and spending time with her family visiting exciting place throughout Madison County, IN.
Treasurer: Dennis E. Whitacre
Dennis E. Whitacre is a retired accounting professional. Mr. Whitacre has worked as the Chief Financial Officer for governmental, for-profit and not-for-profit entities for 40 years. As Chief Financial Officer, he has designed, implemented and maintained financial reporting systems including internal control for those systems. He has participated in the development and implementation of a Technical Assistance Guide issued by a federal agency. He has delivered numerous trainings to a wide variety of audiences, ranging from small groups to national conferences. He has been a consultant for various for-profit and not-for-profit entities on subjects ranging from incorporating, general accounting systems (both manual and automated), acquisitions, taxes and audit resolution. Mr. Whitacre has over 1,000 volunteer hours for various not-for-profit organizations. He has served as President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. He has served on various committees and subcommittees, sometime as Chair. Currently he operates a property management. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting and a Master of Science degree in Computer Science from Ball State University.
Secretary: Robin Gerhart
Robin Gerhart was born and raised in Anderson, IN. Believing Anderson to be a great place to live, work, and play
she, along with her husband, raised five children and delights in her six grandsons and most recently
a granddaughter. Robin has volunteered on various boards and committees in the community and is
energized by serving alongside others helping to initiate, develop, and improve the community for all
Board Members:
Pam Clendenen
Amber Dietz
Paula Dalton
Tamie Dixon-Tatum
Cherilyn Horning
Kathy Gray
Maria Lehr